Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Teacher Gift

So, I totally procrastinated on making my older son's Teacher Gift. I started it yesterday, finished it today, and will be giving it to her tomorrow. It was a very easy project to stitch, thank goodness. The directions called for back stitching, lazy daisies, and french knots. Super simple stuff. I couldn't help but to throw in some split stitches and stem stitches, however. Gotta make it fun!

So here's how it started out:
floss toss

This is how it ended up looking:
bad lighting

The lighting is lousy so the pic doesn't really do the piece justice. It's pretty cute in person...Not my style, but cute none-the-less. I know Teacher will like it, and that's what counts, right? :)

I used the dreaded metallic floss for the halo, but didn't have any troubles at all. Yea! It was the kind on the spool, not the skein. The skein has given me trouble in the past, but the spool was an angel to work with. (Get it? Angel? 'Cause I used it to stitch a halo...Ok, ok, I know, it's a lousy pun.)


Last time I blogged, I promised to tell you a bit more about the swap I am doing with Amy from Early Bird Special. And I will, I promise...but not tonight. All that stitching on the Teacher Gift has worn me out and I am a sleepy little chicky who needs to get her tired little heinie to bed. I gots to get up early tomorrow! Ick.

So, until next time (which I hope is soon, 'cause I really want to tell you about this swap project I am doing, it is so cute)...Happy Stitching!


  1. Hee hee hee--*LOVE* the new graphic on your header, baby! (The one with the floss boxes and your bloggeriffic title. =)) It looks terrific, and your blog looks so upscale and professional. Who'd ever know you were a little technophobe (or make that 'puterphobe) just a few years ago.

    Yea you, m'dear!

    Love ya! Mwa!

  2. Tee hee, thanks! I thought the page needed some sprucing up, I'm glad ya like it! I just wish I could have bigger pics, but they don't quite work on this format...or maybe I just haven't figured out how to tweak things properly. ;)


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PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!