Sunday, August 31, 2008

On The Fence

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps! Long time, no post! Sorry about that. And unfortunately, this ain't gonna be much of a post. I have tons to tell you, but I haven't the time...or the energy right now. I have been messing with this little ol' blog of mine tonight...notice the changes? I don't know how I feel about this just yet...change is hard for

So yeah, in my quest to be able to post larger pictures here, I got a new template. BUT--I cannot get my old header to look like it used to. Nope. So my floss boxes picture is GONE. Which I guess you might have noticed. ;) I miss it.

But bigger pictures are more important to me than a cool header. I guess.

gather a harvest

extreme closeup!!!

These pics are old...sorry. But I needed something to test this new template out with. I cross-stitched this Lizzie*Kate piece a few years ago. Surprisingly, I still like it. (Sadly, many of the things I stitched in the past have ended up in the closet or under the bed.)

So, I am afraid that's it for me right now. Next time, I will share with you 6 peculiar things about me...I was tagged by one of my faves, Brook a little while ago, and I've been meaning to do it. So hey, there's something to look forward to. 'Cause I know you're looking forward to learning all about my little quirks. ;-D Tee hee.

All righty then! Catch ya later, Stitchy Peeps! Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. Yeah you did change it! I have been changing mine around too... and I feel like my "blog" part is sssooo tiny! It doesn't go to the edge of the page like yours does!!! dang man !! I wish I knew what I was doing!!! hahahaha I need a nerd in my life!

  2. I'm digging the new layout! =) I miss the old header image, but when either of us figure out how to add it back (at the correct width), we'll let each other know, k?? =)

    Here's a quirk you could always put on the list: You have a (not-so-)secret fascination/addiction/affinity for close-up macro shots at wacky angles. And yeeeeeaaaa for it too, btw. =)


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PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!