Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Boo! (And a Sneak Peek)

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

Look what I did yesterday:

new onesie



Pretty cute, eh? (Can you believe I did that without stabilizer? Ick, I am crazy sometimes.) This is gonna look mighty fine on my 15-month-old son.

This one stitched up fast, people--it only took an hour. Yay!! If you want to make some of this cuteness for yourself, you can get the pattern here.

Ok, moving on...

Here's a little something, by request:

sneak preview

another sneak preview

I am not gonna tell you anything about those two pictures except that they are sneak peeks at the swap I am doing with Amanda. More details will be revealed in time, my darlings. :)

That's it for me! I have to get back to my stitching! I will be back soon with more pics of what I've been working on. Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. Woooooooooooo Hooooooooooooooo! I am pumped!!! I can't wait to see it in person!!!! YAY!

  2. This swap project looks intriguing...I'm looking forward to seeing more...

  3. cute love the little ghoastie! you are a crazy woman for not using stabilizer... like I told katie... stabilizer is my savior next to Jesus Christ!

  4. Ohhh the swap pics look very interesting! I wanna swap with you!

  5. so cute. I love the ghost. I never use stablizier it drives me bonkers. I need to make something with the ghosts too...

  6. Akh!! Too, too cute!! =D It's a cuteness overload, I tell you. (But I'm also extra-partial to cute Halloweenie shirts on kids. =))

    And you should be so pleased with yourself--I (make that YOU =)) got a compliment on your pink T-shirt when Anna wore it to the dentist office with me this week. ;o)

  7. And hey--you need to add the Halloween tag to the post you did with the Bride o' Frankenstein; they're not included and I was wanting to peek at them but feeling totally lazy about searching through back posts. ;o) Cuz really, it's all about me and my needs, you know. Lol. [Eyes rolling.]

    Love ya! Mwa!

  8. very cute.. I love the little ghostie!

  9. Cute, cute, cute! :)

  10. Love the Halloween shirt. Looks more complicated than just an hour's worth of work. Don't tell that to noncrafty people, and they'll think it took you forever. Then you'll be mother of the year.

  11. Darling onsie! Your embroidery work is lovely....can't wait to see where the sneak peeks lead to..


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