Friday, October 10, 2008

Cute Little Deer

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

So, Annie Oakleaves recently released some new patterns. I fell in love with these deer instantly and knew I just had to stitch 'em ASAP:

love you deerly

Pretty cute, huh?

I am putting the finishing touches on a sweet little birdie from this set of patterns, and I will be showing it to you soon...and I have lots of other cute things prepared for stitching. Be on the lookout in the upcoming weeks for more cuteness. :)

Until then...

Happy Stitching!

(PS For those who asked...The beautiful piece that Amanda made me hangs in my office/future studio. Everyone who has seen it thinks it's awesome.)



  1. I love those cutie little deer babies!! :D And the purple bow on the girl.. too adorable! Great job!


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