Friday, March 20, 2009

Checking In

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

Thank you so much for all the love you showed me regarding Happy Apple! You guys rock. :)

So, it's been a while, hasn't it? I've been a naughty little Blogger. I've also been a naughty little NON-stitcher lately. I've been doing a little here and there, but not as much as I'd like. I do, however, still have a couple things to share.

First, I have another top secret project that I'm working on. It's secret 'cause I don't know whether or not the recipient of this piece reads my blog, so I gotta keep the details about this one hush-hush for a while.

top secret wip

top secret wip (2)

Also, I have another new wip. I know, I know, I haven't finished the old wips, nor have I taken pictures of them to show you like I promised I would. (Please don't hate me.)

giddy up

(Patterns by Sublime Stitching.)

That will eventually be a pillow (I sure do make a lot of pillows these days!) for my older son. I have the cutest vintage-looking cowboy fabric for it. :) :)

And here's a pic of the nearly-completed Wow! Wow! Wubbzy pillow.

almost stuffed

(I ran out of Poly-Fil, grrrrrr.)

That's it for me for now, my friends. I have some MAJOR bragging to do, but the pics I took didn't turn out, so I will have to blog about it another time. My awesome friend Amanda made me an amazing set of cocktail napkins, and I can't wait to share them with you and give her the recognition she deserves. In the meantime, here's a little sneak peek:

tea love

Amazing, am I right?? Here's a link to her stitchy album, where you can find pictures that she took of the napkins before she sent them to me. While you're there, be sure to check out all her work. The girl can stitch.

Anwho, like I said, that's it for me! I will be back soon, hopefully with some good pics of the beautiful napkins Amanda sent me, along with some of the stuff I've been doing. Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. I am happy that you are enjoying the napkins!!!!! Your top secret project is looking good sister!!

  2. I know you haven't gone anywhere...Probably working on something!! But I do like it when you post! What a treasure you have in the napkins!!!

  3. oh I love the napkins amanda made! Also i cant wait to see that pillowcase!


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When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!