Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pink Ribbon Pinup

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

I've been working on several things lately.


Unfortunately, that pic above has nothing to do with any of my current projects. I was supposed to make a new Halloween cross-stitchery for my walls, using those gorgeous Fall colors you see above, but I never got to it. It's a cute pattern; take a peek at it here. It will have to wait 'til next year, I suppose.

One thing I have made progress on is this pinup piece for a swap:

WIP for lilyvanilli72 (clean version)

As you can see, this little lady is serious about Breast Cancer Awareness Month and hopes you are, too! Get the girls checked, ladies. :0)

I am also involved in another swap, and will have more on that for you soon. I expect to be finished with the piece in a few days, so stay tuned for pics. I am pretty excited about this project. :)

I also recently purchased a super-cute ornament kit from Wild Olive's Etsy shop. Oh my, I am in love! I can't wait to get started on these.

ornament kit

Well, that's all for now, my darlings! As you can see, I have TONS of work to do, which means I will have lots of stitchy goodness to share with you soon! Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. Very cool breast awareness stitch!

  2. LOL! I can't even tell you how many projects that I've bought and haven't gotten around to. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one. I love the breast awareness stitch.

  3. Me too! I actually had to make a list of things currently in the works so that when I get some time to work on something I remember to finish something I've already started rather than starting another new proj. Sheesh... I love the Breast Awareness stitchery, we should all be so serious about our tatas.
    Thanks for sharing!


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