Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Something Silly

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

Last year, I doodled something silly. This year, I turned that silly little something into a piece of stitchery:


Meet Darlene. She's a dancing queen.

darlene 2

Mind you, I am not an artist. I do not draw anything but stick figures.

darlene's curls

It turns out that transforming doodles into embroidery patterns is best left to the pros. :)

That's all for now, folks! I will be back soon with some, ahem, real embroidery pics soon. Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. Are you kidding? This is awesome!

  2. Really? Thanks! I took this pic a while ago, but was too embarrassed to go It's such a silly little doodle!

  3. I love it! Silly doodles and thread are the best. Gives those fun doodles a life of their own. Thanks for sharing her:)

  4. I love it! Silly doodles are the best!! You shouldn't be embarrassed, it's super-uber cute!

  5. Hate to break it to you, but you ARE a pro.

    Love this bit of whimsy.

    How did you do the curly hair?

  6. Kristi I like you Dancing Queen!! I am impressed with your doodling. I have sketched a little bird and I have it taped above my sink. I will have to stitch it!

  7. Simple and sweet. I love it. Nice job!

  8. I love her and I think you should stitch up more doodles :)

  9. Wow, you guys! Thank you so much!

    Mom Wald--The hair is just teensy little back stitches.

    Miss P, I want to see that birdie stitched up! You must stitch it!!


  10. I think she is fantastic! I know someone called Darlene and it looks just like her ;o)

  11. silly doodles are the best. remember my silly frenchie toast and johnny cake?! silly embroideries rule! where is miss darlene hanging up in your house?

  12. Thanks all! Di, you know a Darlene that looks like my doodle? TOO CUTE! :)

    Bethie, I do remember your cute doodle-stitches. :) As for Darlene...well, the poor gal is under a pile of wips on my desk, waiting for me to properly frame/finish her for display. :(

  13. It's very cute. I like the idea of stitching stuff I drew...if only I could draw.


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