Monday, March 29, 2010


Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

Just in time for Easter, I present to you this lovely Egg Sampler:

egg sampler
(Easter Egg Sampler by Wild Olive.)

This was the first time I'd ever done an embroidery sampler. Yes, I've done some of these stitches, but not this many! Surface Blanket Stitch? What's that? Oh yeah, it's a piece of cake! Herringbone? Fern Stitch? BAM! Not a problem. I've always been intimidated by the thought of these 'complicated' stitches, but it turns out they're not so bad. I had a couple of stitch books with illustrated guides to help me, and I was able to knock out this sweet little egg in a couple evenings. This sampler challenged me to try new things and I am SO glad that I did. Stitching this was a blast! Of course, using variegated floss helped make it easy, too. So many colors with so little hassle. ♥


star stitch...

many kinds of stitches

lazy daisies & blanket & threaded running

lazy daisies

herringbone & chain



Well, that's all for now, folks! I still have to show you the swap piece I mentioned a while ago, so stay tuned, it's coming soon. Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. oh, i love your use of variegated floss! i have yet to try it out, but definitely want to. nice sampler!

  2. Gorgeous! I love getting to use different stitches, but rarely do. I always seem to forget about samplers... this is simply lovely!

  3. Great use of colour and your stitches look so perfect! I like trying out new stitches, but I have no idea what to use them on except on samplers

  4. Oh, this is fabulous, what a great idea!

  5. I love the floss you used. he is really cute.

  6. I simply MUST try this. I'm always afraid to start because I get overwhelmed and the fabric seems wrong and the needle doesn't thread easily and the... well, you get the point. Excuses, excuses and instead I could have something as adorable as this.

  7. Lovely job Kristi!! Where is your thread from???

  8. Too stinkin' cute!!! I love the colors -- very Springish.

    I, too, am wondering what brand of variegated floss you used?

  9. Thanks for the kind comments, everyone. I wish I knew what kind of floss I used...I don't have the wrapper anymore. I bought it at my local needlework shop 6 or 7 years ago, I think. Give me some time to do some digging...I will try to figure out what this is. :) ♥

  10. Hey all! I did a small post about the floss I used for this project. Read about it here if you haven't already. :) ♥

  11. Hi! I'm a cross-stitcher that is new to free embroidery. What kind of fabric do you use for your projects? Linen? Something else? I'd like my projects to be washable.

  12. Hi Sukimom! I used to be strictly cross-stitch, too. :) I hope you're having fun with embroidery.

    I mostly use muslin (the cheap stuff!) for my projects. This particular piece was done on a remnant of cotton I got in the discount's actually a subtly printed piece of fabric that I flipped over. I was out of white muslin and needed to compromise, so I stitched on the backside.
    :) ♥

  13. wow, your stitching is excellent!! (sorry, way behind on my blog reading)


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When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

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