Thursday, March 4, 2010

Miss Pretty

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

So, I showed you a WIP back in October of last year. Last night, I finally finished it.

I call her Miss Pretty:

done! finally!--blog version

This is obviously the safe, edited version of Miss Pretty. I like to keep this blog family-friendly, ya know. :)

Ok, ok, so it's not that risque...I've seen (much!) racier stuff in embroidery than this lovely little lady...but I've got two youngsters and I don't need them asking questions! Hence, the black bars. :)


The shoes on this gal DON'T glow, by the way. That's just a result of poor lighting and even poorer photo editing skills.

Good thing this beauty's face, unlike her shoes, photographs well.

beautiful gal

Uh oh, naughty snake! He's gonna bite Miss Pretty!

naughty snake--blog version

Well, that's all for now, folks! Next up is a kawaii stitchy piece for the final installment of this swap. I have a super cute (of course) pattern picked out...a cute-as-can-be cactus couple. ♥ I can't wait to show you! So stay tuned! Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. I like it!! it looks great! YAY for finishing it!!

  2. oooo, he is going to bite her boob. ouch. love it.

  3. I love this! Your stitching is fantastic, especially the fill stitching and the stitching you did on her face -- very nice.


Come say hello! I'd love to hear from you.

When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!