Saturday, April 10, 2010

Cutest Cactus Couple EVER!

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

First off, what do you think of the changes I made here to the blog? I don't know if I am entirely sold on it yet...I think maybe the background might be a bit distracting...? Maybe. I dunno. I like it, I think.

Now, on to things that matter. I finished the swap piece! WOO HOO! Here, take a peek:

love hurts--for ritapizza
("Love Hurts" by Sew Charitable.)

Now, a closer look. Please ignore the wrinkles.


I am totally digging the french knots in the middle of the flower on the lady cactus. But then, of course, I really do love french knots.

three yellow french knots...

By the way, you need to check out Sew Charitable's blog. She not only has this cute pattern there--for FREE, I might add--but lots of other cute patterns--FOR FREE. Gosh, I love free patterns. Maybe even more than I love french knots...

Anywho, check it out. I really want to do the gnome pattern, too. Cuteness, people. Total cuteness.

Well, that's all, folks! I will be back soon with more stitchy goodness for you to enjoy. Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. I think I like the new look. Nice and springy. Your cacti rock. Also thanks for the link to Sew Charitable. Lots of cute stuff over there.

  2. I love the background. How do you do that? Also, that pattern is SUPER cute. Thanks for the link to Sew Charitable- what cute patterns!

  3. OMG! That is my pattern!! I LOVE your stitching Kristi! The cactus couple looks so cute.

    And thanks for mentioning all my free patterns on my blog. I love getting free stuff so I love giving free stuff. Many more free patterns to come.

    French knots rule!

  4. Thanks everyone! ♥-♥-♥

    Jonesy, I used Blogger's new template designer to get the background. It's fun, easy, and with a little playing around, you can really customize your page. Read about it HERE.

    Charity, I am jonesin' for your gnomes! I can't wait to stitch them. Thanks for the freebies. :)

  5. Love the new look. Not distracting, and it adds depth. Wish I knew how to do that.

    What I would like to know even more is how to get in a swap with you. What a creative bunch of people. You can come see my embroidery at the blog and flickr to see if I'm good enough.

    I'm not too proud to beg.

  6. Mom Wald, I've seen your embroidery, you've got skills, baby! I'd love to do a swap with you when I get some free time. (I haven't been stitching much lately since I decided now is as good a time as ever to finish my college degree. Homework, yuck.) In the meantime, though, I will keep my eyes peeled for any swaps I hear about and pass the info along to you. Flickr usually has one or two going on...Anywho, I will keep you in mind and hopefully we can work something out in a few months. :):) ♥

  7. Hey I went to check outthe site and I do not have permission. Do you think you could get it for me Kristi. I love these patterns so adorable!

  8. I've been denied access too...I read something shortly after publishing this post that she was shutting down her blog...? Anywho, the patterns are still on her flickr:

    :) ♥


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When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!