Sunday, November 14, 2010

Satin Stitched Butterfly

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

WOW. It's been a loooong time since my last post. School keeps me busy! I don't get to stitch nearly as often as I'd like, but I've managed to squeeze in a little time for stitching lately. Most of what I have been working on can't be shared until after Christmas, but I do have something cool to share with you right now. The butterfly tea towel WIP I showed you last time is done!

butterfly tea towel

There is A LOT of satin stitching on this thing. :)

butterfly wing

wing details


Originally, I hadn't intended to fill in everything. But as I finished the outline of the butterfly, I realized that it needed to be filled in. If I were to do this over, I would outline the whole thing in black, giving it a tattoo-like quality.

 Oh well! I still like it.  And so does the sweet-as-pie woman I stitched this for, which is all that really matters. :)



That's all for now, my darlings! I hope to be back before Christmas to share with you one little thing I've been working on. (It's super cute, if I do say so myself.) Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. That is gorgeous! I love all the colors you used.

  2. That is simply beautiful, I love it xx and I'd love to try one for myself too, I have decided my sewing room needs some "sewing art" and something like this would look so pretty on the wall.

  3. Wow!! what a beautiful work!!! Have a nice week!

  4. Wow! I love the vibrant colors! Thank you for posting these great pictures. I really enjoy your blog.

  5. My goodness, you do beautiful work - this piece is gorgeous! Love the bright colors and details!

  6. This is super lovely! What kind of fabric did you stitch this on, if you don't mind me asking? I'm experimenting with different fabrics as backgrounds. Thanks! ~ Olisa

  7. Thank you for the sweet comments everyone!

    olisa, this was stitched on a tea towel that I bought from Early Bird Special's Etsy quite a while ago. Unfortunately, she doesn't have any for sale right now, but here's a link to her shop in case she ever gets more:

    EBS Etsy

    :) :) :)

  8. Thank you, Kristi! And thank you for the link! ~Olisa

  9. wow sooooo lovely

    im thinking of getting into stitchery any tips?

    and again WOW

  10. Thanks everyone!

    saralynn--my advice is to check out flickr. There are tons of patterns--many for free!--and examples. And Google is definitely your friend.
    :) There are stitch diagrams on the Sublime Stitching website; I highly recommend checking it out. Happy Stitching!


Come say hello! I'd love to hear from you.

When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!