Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Halloween Fairy WIP

I seem to be in the mood for two things lately: cross stitch and Autumn. More specifically, I am in the mood to stitch up some Halloween goodies. It happens every summer. Once the 4th of July has passed, I am ready to move on to chilly nights and frosty mornings. I am ready for fall. :)

But it's not fall. However, that doesn't mean I can't work on some Halloween stitching. The piece I am showing you today is a WIP from several years ago. (I want to say 2006, but don't quote me on that.) I usually get the itch to stitch on it each summer, but end up putting it away after just a few week's worth of work. Hmmm. I'd like to break that cycle this year and actually be able to display this beauty come October, but with all the other things I need to work on, I don't know how successful I will be. ;)

halloween fairy wip
(Halloween Fairy limited edition kit by Mirabilia)

Poor thing, she hasn't a head.

headless fairy

wip in the q-snap

Crescent Colours are so fun & pretty, don'tcha think? I love overdyed floss.

eve's leaves, tangerine...

Her pretty dress will eventually be accented with beads. I just love the colors.

pretty skirt

My favorite part, though, isn't the pretty dress. It's the treat sack.

treat sack 2

 treat sack

Seriously! How cute is that?!

So, please wish me luck with my goal of completing this Halloween Fairy this year. It would be nice to add her to my collection of Halloween stitchies. :)


  1. I love her! She is going to be so beautiful when she is done.

  2. I love it. I really love that floss too. I need to start using my overdyed floss.

    I am the same way about Halloween. I want it to be fall and Halloween, I'm done with summer. :)

  3. Ok, sorry for the Bexisms here but what if you kept her head off or put it at her feet? Or zombiefied her? Eh eh??? :)

  4. Look at those teeny stitches! You are so patient! Lovely colors too.

  5. I just love Halloween stitcheries! I wish I had the patience for cross stitching. For now I'll just have to stick with my embroidery.

  6. It's beautiful so far!! I can't wait to see what it looks like!

  7. I stitched her a few years ago. I started her, then put her away for awhile, but finally made a ton of progress when we went on a long driving vacation and I stitched in the passenger's seat. Those wings were kind of a pain. But she's worth the effort! My favorite part is also her trick-or-treat bag. Hope you get her done for this year's Halloween!

  8. Hey, I'm just impressed you're able to work on anything Fall-related at all! ;o) Kinda like me actually enjoying summers again…whoda thunk it?

    Love you, my friend!!

  9. It's beautiful even in progress. I love your floss - gorgeous colours. I can't wait to see the finished project.

    We are still waiting for summer, dark dreary days it's just awful this year (in Vancouver). But it does make great stitching weather!


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