Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Little Fall Must Rain

I stitched this years ago, in the late 90's, I believe. It was before I'd ever stitched on linen, which I first did in 1999 (New Year's Eve, actually), so...yeah. Late 90's. Probably.

I got the pattern from a craft magazine, one that wasn't specific to stitching. It was a craft magazine that just happened to have a cross stitch pattern in it. I remember I fell in love with it instantly. I don't know the name of the magazine, or if it's still in publication. I do know that the pattern was printed on pages that were like newspaper. It was very smudgy, so I handled it as little as possible. It didn't occur to me to put it in a protective sleeve.

I can't say that I would stitch this patten today if I were seeing it for the first time. It's not my "style" anymore; it hasn't been for some time now. I still like it. I think it's quite cute. Charming, even. But probably not something I'd choose to stitch today. And if I did, it would definitely be stitched on linen or Lugana. I can't seem to work with Aida anymore. 

I'd heard that would happen once you started using linen, but I didn't believe it at the time. I do now. ;)

Anyway, since I can't share much of my current WIP with you, I thought I'd show you a little something from the past. Even this pic is old, though; some of you may recognize it from my Flickr photostream. Maybe I should dig through my container of old projects and snap some pics to show you guys. That might be fun....


  1. (swoon) it's adorable! Thanks for posting it, it's perfect for this time of year that's for sure!

  2. A lovely finish. I think our tastes change over time. I still stitch on aida and dabble with evenweave. Did you start your L*K Winter ABC?

  3. It's darlin'! And so season appropriate.

  4. Know what you mean about not being able to go back to aida! Had to go out and make a special buy of it when I started teaching my niece to stitch, since I'd long since gotten rid of all of it.

  5. I do my cross stitching on aida because I'm such a newbie at cross stitching. I can't see how I could stitch on anything else at the moment!

  6. Thanks everyone!

    Lesleyanne, no I haven't started it yet. :( I told myself I can't start it until I've finished making at least a couple Christmas gifts. :/

    Nicole, I used to be the very same way! Linen looked far too complicated when I started stitching. Now I've been stitching on linen twice as long as I did on Aida. :)

  7. what! I want to see all your older projects!!!! This is SO cute! I love that even your earlier projects are PERFECTLY stitched! what the what! So guess what? I go to the post office today & the gal is like, OH! You got a package but it wasn't sent to the right address! I held onto it for you...AND ITS MY PATTERNS! BUT!!! They are still sending me new ones!!! haha!!!!! Crazy right???? So now I have double copies!!!


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