Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve Stitching & Sewing

I, in my infinite wisdom, decided that I didn't have enough to do before Christmas Day, and started a new project last night (a gift for a family member). I was up a couple hours past my bedtime working on this:

Design by Sublime Stitching
 I kinda (okay, totally) wish I were keeping this tea towel for myself. It's really cute! As you can see, I still have some work left to do (the starburst thingies), but I plan to finish this after dinner tonight.

AND--the "L" is almost done! As in, almost completely sewn! There is just a little bit left to do. Hooray!!

Okay, I've got to get back to work. Wish me luck getting everything done by (gulp!) tomorrow. And Happy Holidays, everyone!


  1. I love that sassy gal walking her goggie! and the "l" is lovely! Yay!

  2. My gosh! Both are totally gorgeous.

    Have a sweet holiday and a grand new year!

  3. You sound like me! I decided to make 4 tea towels for co-workers in just a few days--phew. Good luck and have a Merry Christmas!!!!!

  4. Wow! They both look great! I admire your ambition! I'm sure the recipients will be very happy and looking forward to next Christmas!

  5. Oh, that L looks greeeaaat! They both look great, but I'm rather fond of L's :o) Good luck finishing up darling, I'm sending you speedy stitching mojo! You can doo eet, Kristi!!

  6. Love your work! I never understood just how much of an art embroidery is until I started making Waldorf dolls. Just embroidering the eyes was a huge learning curve in the beginning, riddled with many curse words and jabbed fingers!

  7. I like the lady walking the dog!! Cute!!

  8. Thank you so much, friends!

    Amie@Itsystich--Oh my goodness, I actually jabbed my finger while I was making the tea towel! Ack!! lol


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