Friday, January 27, 2012

Lovely Lemons

Hooray! I finished the Lemon WIP!

  How cute are these lemons?! I can't stop looking at them. They're just so stinkin' CUTE!

May: Lemon pattern by The Frosted Pumpkin Stitchery

And how pretty is this fabric? I wish I knew more about it, but I inherited it without tags, so I have no idea what it is. I think it's hand dyed, and I think it's 32-count. Maybe. I suppose I could have used my cross stitch gauge to figure out the exact count, but that would have meant trying to locate the tool, and since I haven't actually used it, I'm not sure where I put it after I bought it years ago. ;) What I do know for sure, though, is that it's very sparkly (unfortunately, the sparkles barely show up in the pic) and very pretty. It looks like a sparkly sky. ☺

I tweaked the pattern ever so slightly when it came to the backstitching. For starters, I wasn't supposed to backstitch the eyes on the lemon slice, the pattern didn't call for it. Also, I used one strand of white thread instead of the suggested two for the lemon slice. I tried it with two, but I had issues with my thread being too twisted. I usually don't have problems with twisted thread, but I think because I was making such looooong stitches, my thread was being naughty. I wonder if something like Thread Heaven would have helped. (I've never used it.)

I was kind of sad when I finished this project. I LOVED stitching this, and I've missed working on it. Does anyone else experience that? It's similar to when I finish a really good book; I am glad that I've finished the story, but sad that the story has come to an end. There's a feeling of emptiness.  It's a mild feeling, but it's there nonetheless.

But! I have plans for my next project, and it's a cutie. I am on a citrus kick right now, so next up is February: Grapefruit, another pattern from The Pumpkins. Eep! ♥


  1. I miss projects when I am done with them too. That's why I slowed down a little on my cottage. I want to enjoy it a little longer.

  2. These. Are. Adorable!! No sour pucker face here, these lemons coudn't be sweeter!

  3. Love the cuteness! I too fell the same when finishing a book/project. It's great motivation to get started on the next one :-)

  4. I am in LOVE LOVE LOVE! I am totally featuring this on my things I love thursday tomorrow :)

  5. Aww, I've just started reading your blog and this is really sweet! Can't wait to see more.

  6. This is so stinkin' adorable! What fabric did you use?


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