Sunday, April 1, 2012

Carrot Cake

I can hardly believe that it is already April 1st! March absolutely flew by for me--which is a-okay! I love spring. Of course, I would love it more if it would stop raining. Right now, I can't do more than just plan my garden and flowerbeds. I want PLANT something, darn it! ;) But plants don't grow without a little bit of sunshine. 

Luckily, there is something that I can do when stuck indoors on a rainy day...and you can do it, too! Let me introduce you to April's Dessert of the Month, Carrot Cake!

This little guy is SO sweet! Look at that face and tell me you're not in love. I dare you! ;)


  1. Your carrot cake is so cute! I'm working on mine right now.

    I wish I could trade you our warm weather for your rain!

  2. I didn't think they could get any cuter...but this cake is adorable!

  3. awww - love it! How cute! And How original!!!

  4. I love April and I love carrot cake. So cute.


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