Friday, June 8, 2012



I have had my eye on this set of patterns for I don't know how long now. I finally bought them last month, and I finally stitched up one of the patterns yesterday.

From the Farm Folk X-Stitchettes pattern set by Wee Wonderfuls

Yup, yesterday. This little cutie only took a few hours to complete.  I am so smitten with this piece!

I played around with some fabric. I like the pink better than the green because I think the pink brings out those sweet little cheeks.

(As much as I like the fabric, I kind of doubt I will do anything other than simply frame this piece.)

I nicknamed this piece "Slub City" because the linen is so...slubby. See it? The slubbiness of the linen? Yikes! ;) There was a section of the sheep that was difficult to stitch because of the slubs. Ack! (Scroll up to the second picture and look above the sheep, near the gal's ponytail. You can see how it would be difficult to stitch through some of the slubs.)

It's okay, though. The slubs don't take away from the sweetness of this piece. Maybe they even add a little something to it. 


  1. This is so cute! I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of them!

  2. she is a cutie! love the little sheep and those rosy cheeks. :)

  3. Agreed! The piece is completely adorable and the fabric adds to it's charm but I can see, that stitching it can be quite difficult. Well done, you did a fabulous job!

  4. That is adorable! Love her rosy cheeks :-)
    Lots of slubs indeed, but I like the extra texture they add.

  5. Cute doesn't even begin to cover the wonderfulness here! And just a few hours?!?! You are good!
    7 hiopest


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