Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fun & Exciting

I am in the midst of a super fun and exciting project.

 This is one of Lizzie*Kate's fabulous Christmas designs. That's the fun part. The exciting part is that this piece is for my local needlework shop (lns). It's going to be a shop model! Wooooooohooooo!

I am so lucky to have a wonderful lns close by. Online shopping is great, but nothing compares to a brick and mortar shop. I love chatting with Lee, the owner of the shop, about the lastest charts and patterns, flosses and fabrics. Being able to feel and see the linen and floss before you buy them is wonderful. Let's face it, comparison shopping online is difficult, to say the least, when it comes to linen. It's also fabulous to see what others are stitching--and seldom does anyone come into the shop without a wip in tow. 

Isn't Santa darling?

I love Santa's beard. Can you believe there's green in it? So unexpected--and so cute!

I adore those little cookies...

 ...and the gingerbread man as well. So far, I think "Cookies" is my favorite section of this piece.

I love the colors used in this project, too. Most of the threads are Weeks Dye Works--fun!

As you can see, I've completed four sections, which means I am about 1/3 of the way through this project. It hasn't taken too long thus far, thank goodness. (The finished piece will measure approximately five-and-a-half  by twenty-four-and-a-half inches!) I need to get this done in time for Lee to decorate the shop for Christmas.


  1. Gorgeous stitching. I love this design and most other L*K if I am honest. I would love to know what fabric you are stitching this one. Unfortunately I have to do most of my stitchy shopping online.

  2. Thanks! I am a HUGE fan of L*K patterns. They're just so fabulous!

    I don't remember what exactly I am stitching this on. It's 28-ct linen, I do know that...I will ask Lee the next time I see her and let you know. I can tell you that whatever it is, it's a really nice piece of fabric. Very nice to stitch on.

  3. It looks sooooo good! I love the gingerbread men. :)

  4. I like the green in Santa's bread. I am jealous of your needlework shop being so close.

  5. I love LK patterns too. Your stitching is perfect and I love seeing the detail in your photos!

  6. Your project looks fab Kristi - the title of your post is definitely right: Fun and Exciting!!
    Can't wait to see it all done, Rx

  7. First of all, I *love* your October blog banner -- super spooky-cute!!

    Very exciting that your project will be displayed at your LNS =). I love how it's looking so far! (You take the best macro photos!!)

  8. Very nice and I like your header!

  9. I second that I love the spooky new October blog banner! ;o)

    And I'm so, so, SO thrilled for you about the gig at the lns!! Squealing! ;o)



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