Monday, July 29, 2013

Halloween SAL Progress--Week Four (and Wrap Up)

Hello! It's hard for me to believe that this is the final post for the Halloween in July Stitchalong. This month has flown by!

So, here is Week Four's progress. The first pic is blurry. :( I couldn't get my camera to focus the way I usually do--I think the low battery had might have had something to do with it. 

Week Four's progress

I really thought I would be able to get the entire pattern stitched by the end of this month. That clearly did not happen! I am not even close! But I got a good start on it, and that's something. :) 

 Be sure to check out Julie's progress. J, I had a blast doing this with you! ♥


  1. The feeling is mutual!

    I think you got a lot done. It looks awesome. :)

  2. I agree with Julie, I think you got a lot done too =). I love the witch you see through the window!


  3. You got a huge start on an awesome Halloween pattern! It looks great!

  4. Great progress! I love seeing your super neat stitches!


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PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!