Monday, July 8, 2013

Halloween SAL Progress--Week One

Hello! The Halloween Stitchalong has begun, and it's going well! I didn't get a lot of work done, but I am still pleased with my progress.

Knock! Knock! by The Prairie Schooler
I am stitching this on a gorgeous piece of Cashel linen, "Highland" by Picture This Plus. Isn't it dreamy? I just love PTP's linen. 

As you can see, I've barely made a dent in this pattern. It's a small piece, only about 5x7, but it's going to take me longer than I had anticipated! Not that it matters; after all, this is a very laid back stitchalong. But I have two more Halloween patterns arriving in my mailbox soon (Trick or Treat and Boo Moon), and I'd really like to finish this one up before I start on anything new.

 Well, I guess that's it for Week One. Not much to report. ;) Be sure to check out Julie's progress! I think you'll like love what you see.

See ya next week for Week Two's progress report!


  1. I love that your needle minder matches! I love the linen you are using and I think I need to get some even though yesterday I dramatically exclaimed to the cat "I'm through with Cashel!".

    Great progress! I can't wait to see more. :)

  2. i love this pattern. i have an addiction to halloween themed cross stitch...and the prairie schooler has some great ones. :) i am definitely going to check out this linen.

  3. Love the start, I have those charts coming too!I think many of us are in a Halloween mood! PS does Halloween so well!!!


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