Friday, June 15, 2018

In the Bag

 I've been on a bag-making kick lately, using Vonna's awesome tutorial on YouTube. I love how beginner friendly Vonna's tutorial is, and how she walks you through every step of the process. I've made nine or ten for myself, I think, in various sizes. I need more, though, to house all my WIPs!

I love making them and, even more, I love using them. It's quite a step up from the plastic bags I was using.

I also made one in which to store our atlas and maps. It was actually my husband's idea to do so, and I was more than happy to accommodate his wish. 

Yes, I definitely see more project bags in my future. 


  1. These are so cute! I've missed seeing all the stuff you make.

  2. Great bags, Kristi! Vonna is such a great teacher, isn’t she?

  3. So handy, and the tutorial looks pretty easy to follow. Thanks for sharing!


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