Thursday, May 22, 2008

Birthday Stitching, Part 2

Birthday Stitching
is complete!

For your viewing pleasure, a picture:
pirate owl

I didn't get started on it until last night around 8pm, and spent just a couple hours on the stitching. It went quickly and easily, though I was reminded why I HATE stitching on t-shirts. Ick. Stupid stretchy fabric...Anywho, I attached the interfacing this morning before I went to work and voila! Birthday Stitching was done. The birthday boy got to wear his new shirt to preschool today and show it off to all his little friends...though I don't think he showed it off much, as the shirt wasn't really the focus of his attention this morning. (In my imagination, he goes to school & says, "Hey everyone, look what my mommy, my wonderful mommy, made for me! Especially for me, with lots and lots of love!" Then all his little friends gather 'round and ooh and ahh and say things like, "Ooooh, I want a shirt like that, too!" and "Wow, that is such a great shirt! Your mommy is so awesome!" Am I the only one with these fantasies?)

Um, ok, now that you think I am a complete and total weirdo...

Adding interfacing to the inside of t-shirts is such a breeze. All you need is an iron, scissors, a damp press cloth, and, of course, a package of interfacing. I love that it keeps the stitching from snagging on the backside, while protecting the wearer's skin from "itchies" and whatnot.
interfacing 2

I probably could've gotten away with using a wee bit smaller piece:
interfacing 3

I think it turned out pretty well, and I know a four-year-old who feels the same...
work it!

How 'bout you? Do you have any kids that you stitch for? Or how about tips for stitching on t-shirts?


  1. LOVE the shirt! =) I bet there's a little girl who'd love a fabulous shirt from her Miss Kristi, if you ever get bored and want something girly to stitch on a hated t-shirt. =)

    Love the owl!

  2. It looks absolutely wonderful!!! Very cute, indeed! :)

  3. Thanks you guys! It was a fun stitch.

  4. Love that!! I'm working on a shirt also, at the moment but mine doens't work out so nive as yours. Realy nice work!


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