Friday, September 19, 2008

I Won, I Won, I Won! (And Some Q&A)

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps! Guess what? I won a giveaway! Yea me!

The super talented Claudia of Stichado recently had a really cool giveaway. And I won! Woo hoo! This is a first for me. And wow, is it ever fun to win stuff! ;)

Check this out!

i won!

Is this awesome or what?? Look at all that cool stitchy stuff! There are two vintage Vogarts here, along with a Workbasket wasn't mentioned in Claudia's post that the Workbasket pattern was part of the giveaway; it was in an envelope marked 'a little something xtra'...what a cool surprise! There's also 7 skeins of Prism variegated floss and a tea towel. AND--a wonderful, personal little card. The card is so sweet and Claudia wrote the nicest things!

personal card :)


best wishes

(Isn't her handwriting just the yummiest?)

Look at this pretty floss. I haven't used Prism before and therefore know nothing about it, but according to Google it's made by DMC. I am so excited to try it out!

floss rainbow


I can't believe the wonderfulness of this package, and the wonderfulness of all the crafters out there in Bloggy Land. Thank you so much, Claudia, for holding this giveaway! And please thank your sweet son Diego for me, for choosing my name! :) Thank you thank you thank you!! *muah*

Ok, switchin' gears now...

My last post had people asking some questions, so I am going to address those now. I usually just answer questions in the comment section, but this sounds like way more fun! Tee hee.

Ok, here goes.

Question: Brook asked what I put the kitty on (or what I did to finish kitty).

Answer: I framed Sinister Kitty in a black frame, with a black and white mat. But I didn't get a picture because I am a dummy head, and now Sinister Kitty is in Los Angeles with my mother-in-law. Which brings us to the next question...

Question: Crash Course Widow and Crochet and Stitches wondered if perhaps there was a correlation between the gift recipient, my mother-in-law, and the fact that the cake-bakin' kitty looks so evil. Perhaps I could be sending a message to my mother-in-law??

Answer: Lol, no, though I can see why people would joke about it and think that maybe there might be and underlying message here. Tee hee. In all seriousness, my mother-in-law, Anne, is a peach and I love her to pieces. My in-laws were here recently for a visit, and Hubby & I decided to throw Anne a surprise birthday party. So I needed a gift, and this kitty seemed perfect since my in-laws have a gray kitty. Oh, and the fact that Sinister Kitty is holding a cake is just too perfect!

Question: Claudia wants to know more about how I transferred the pattern. She asked if I put the fabric over the pattern and then traced.

Answer: Yup! That's exactly what I did. I usually tape the pattern in a sunny window and tape the fabric over the pattern, and then proceed to trace. With this particular pattern, using the window wasn't as option since it was dark outside, so I just taped the pattern to the top of my kitchen table, taped the fabric on top of the pattern, and traced. The fabby I used for Sinister Kitty was thin, inexpensive muslin, and was sheer enough to allow the pattern to show through without any type of light source behind it. :)

Question: Crash Course Widow also said, "I like the how shot after an hour of stitching serves as a reference mark. So if that's how much you can get done in an hour, how long did it take you to do the whole thing??"

Answer: Hmmm, that is a good question! I seldom keep track of how much time really goes into stitching. It's often hard to keep track because there seem to be so many interruptions, courtesy of two small boys. :) I would guesstimate that Sinister Kitty took about four hours of total stitching time...??? Yeah, sure, four hours. That sounds about right. ;)

Well, I think that about wraps it up! Whew! Thank you to everyone who left such sweet comments about Sinister Kitty. I truly do love to hear from you!

That's it for now, darlings! I have more in store for ya, so be on the lookout for another post in the next few days. I have some cute new things I've stitched for Annie Oakleaves that I think you are gonna like...but you'll have to wait! (I am such a tease, ain't I?) Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. Wow! You are so lucky. That is some fabulous stuff!

  2. Wow, congrats! The thread looks so nice, I haven't seen it in any of the craft stores in my area. Let us know how it stitches up.

  3. Yayyyyy! I just won my first give-away over at heatherhalesdesigns! It's nice to be a winner. I love your prize!

  4. Guess what! I never win anything either... BUT I DID!! look at the apron I won its so beautiful! its the pink one... I guess I didn't actually WIN WIN... since somone won before me... but hell who cares its comin' to me!! I am jealous of what you won! Claudia seems so neat! for some reason I didn't sign up for her giveaway... what a dingo... but I am glad you won!!

  5. Yay! Lucky you, I'm jealous! Let us know how that floss stitches up cos that b&w one intrigues me.

  6. I like the Q&A. Thanks! =) I never think to go back and reread the comments to see what you (or the authors on other blogs) might write there, partially because I rarely remember which ones I've commented on. Dratted spotty memory. ;) But now I know, and I didn't even have to remember to go back and scour the comments. (It sure is easier to keep track of them on Flickr!)

    Hope the 4 of you are having a great weekend and enjoying the more Autumnal weather this weekend (or at least I'm assuming you're having similarly gray, cool weather down there; it rained a bit here today).

    Miss ya! See you in a few weeks! =D

  7. Congrats on your win, and OMG I'm so in love with your quilt! It's gorgeous!


Come say hello! I'd love to hear from you.

When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!