So......tell me you what you think of this:

Is this kitty sinister or what? She looks like she baked up some pure evil alongside the cake.
I loved stitching this evil little baker-cat. I needed a last-minute gift for my mother-in-law, and was unsure of what to get her--what do you get for someone who has everything?--and this little kitty was perfect.
Here's how she started:

I don't have a light box, and the sun was down by the time I got around to tracing the design...luckily this fabric is thin enough to see through. :) I just taped the fabby on top of the pattern and traced it with this pen:

It's made by Dritz, and I got mine at Michaels.
Here's kitty after an hour or so of stitching:

Look at her tail, isn't it cool?

I used 3 strands of dark gray and 2 of light gray to make kitty's tail look this this. I think I kinda love it. :)
And here's another pic of a completed kitty:

(I am such a dork, people. It never occurred to me to snap a pic of kitty AFTER I'd rinsed away the blue marks left behind by the pen. D'oh!)
Well, that's it for me, Stitchy Peeps! I hope you're having a fabulous weekend and getting lots of stitching done. ;) I will be back soon with more stitchy goodness to share with you...yours truly has been a busy girl lately, and I can't wait to tell you all about it. Until then...
Happy Stitching!
oh my gosh that cat is EVIL!! I think all cats are evil... they will be nice once second and attack and bite your leg the next... but I still think she is so cute!! Love the tail and love love the little french knot dress!!! what are you going to do with it? I know give it to your mother in law but what are you putting it on?
Thanks Brook! I framed it (with a mat). It looked good, but I didn't get a pic of it and now it's in L.A., lol. :)
this kitty is so cute! {...and evil looking} i love that little cake :)
did you put your fabric over the pattern and then traced?... can't wait to see what else you've been working on :)
Cute and evil! Btw, with the dritz pen, I'm sure the blue marks wash easily away, but do they stay on the fabric if it took you longer than a few hours to complete cuz I know some pens are air soluable and disappear within several hours.
That's why I love kitschy patterns - because they're cute AND way creepy too! :) Your version is so awesome!
ooo evil kitty you are also SO DAMN CUTE!!! Great job!! ♥ it!
she does look sweet and sour at the same time! ;]
very sinister!! nice work with the beading as well!
Hmmm...I think she baked an arsenic cake. I'm so happy to find someone else that thinks some of the animals on vintage transfers seem a little but evil! : )
But here I thought you liked your mother-in-law, and you're gifting her with an evil kitty who's spiking your MIL's virtual bday cake!! NOW who's sinister?!?
(And you know I'm totally teasing. =))
Ms. Sinister looks perfect, as always!
I like the how shot after an hour of stitching serves as a reference mark. So if that's how much you can get done in an hour, how long did it take you to do the whole thing??
I was wondering about the evil kitty and if that is a message to your MIL too. LOL
Seriously, it is a cute project and if you hadn't mentioned the blue lines, I wouldn't have noticed them.
Love the way this came out - the technique you used on the tail is so cool, thanks for the explanation & close-up!
She is fab! You have all these followers now I am so jealous.. :o)
It looks good, girl! I always love the sinister kitties. :)
So evil-ly cute. Are those cherries or poison berries?
Like your blog and beautiful work, I'll be back!
Love your kitty, maybe she isn't evil, just your blog too and hope you don't mind but I added your link as a favorite...
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