Wednesday, June 3, 2009

One More WIP

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

Remember when I spent an afternoon transferring patterns to fabric, thus creating a bunch of new WIPS/potential WIPS? Well, here's a pic of one of the projects that I'd started, then forgot about.

jordnots wip

(Pattern by Wild Olive.)

I had totally and completely forgotten that I'd started this little cutie, until I saw this adorable pic today on Flickr. Mollie's idea of turning embroidery into something wearable is so cool, don'tcha think? I won't be able to that with this particular project because I didn't leave enough space in between the individual jordnots...but that's ok since I'd planned to turn this into a wall hanging. But it's an idea that I will keep in mind when I am making future projects... :):)

Does it seem like a am doing a lot of Wild Olive stuff lately, along with a lot of gushing? I can't help it. I think Mollie's stuff is so cute!! I want to stitch all of it. ALL OF IT. If only I had time...sigh. ;)

Anywho, I hope all this gushing and ooohing and aaaahing over Mollie's stuff doesn't make me sound like a stalker, lol. Sometimes I find stuff online (well, on Flickr) that is just so flippin' cute, and I feel like I might be commenting on the photos too much, or scaring the person who took the pics. Does anyone else ever feel like this? (Please say yes. I don't wanna be the only one!! Haha.)

That's it for now! I will be back soon!! Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. I definitely know what you mean about feeling weird about coming off as a weirdo. I hope that's normal because otherwise, we both really are weirdos.

    Nice work on your embroidery :) I love progress photos!

  2. Adaiha--Whew! I am glad I am not the only one who feels like this. :0)

    Thanks! I love progress pics, too.

  3. Stalking? No, no, no. It is just a way of being encouraging to someone. At least that's what I tell myself when I get all sappy sweet when leaving comments on YOUR work...

  4. Mollie, you don't know how glad I am to hear you say that!! :-D

  5. You know, I think it's better to comment than not! (Maybe I'm just rationalizing...) But you're right, it does sometimes feel stalkerish.

    Wild Olive's stuff is great tho', eh?

  6. Oh no Kristi, I comment on off the wall things on Flickr!! Hey they post the cuteness!!

    I am again on an unmotivated streak...Read, stitch, read.... Reading has claimed me. I have read 5 books in the last month! Oh boy, I should get a life!!

    Cute little WIP!! I got to typing and forgot to mention it!

  7. Oh I feel sad when people don't comment on something I made. I like it when you leave comments. I love mollies stuff too. Great job on the WIP

  8. yeah i think i left the dorkiest groupie comment ever today when i commented on a piece of cute embroidery in the "follow the white bunny group" and typed that it nearly brought tears to my eyes!

    i like leaving comments, esp for people who are artists and design/draw/built their own stuff. and of course it's always nice to receive nice words in return.

    i think it's way more weird to "favorite" a photo of like a foot or arm or something like that, that would be super weird stalker!

  9. Isn't Wildolive's stuff the best? I just ordered a few patterns the other day and I don't know where to start, either. I think I'll do the Baker's Best Ingredients first.


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When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

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