Monday, June 1, 2009

Two Finishes and a Mystery WIP

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

So, I finished not one but two projects last night. Yay me!

First up, 1+1=one:

1+1=one, all done

lookin' out the window, part 2

I just love all the french knots:

french knot cherry pie

(Pattern by Wild Olive.)

I also finished one of my Mystery WIPS. Hooray!

ready for framing

'a place we call home'

thread petals

(Pattern by Country Cottage Needleworks.)

And today, I made a little progress on another Mystery WIP:

sneak peek/mystery wip 2

sneak peek/mystery wip

That's all for now, my darlings! Hey, have I mentioned lately how much I appreciate your kind comments? 'Cause I do! :) You rock, stitchy peeps! ♥

I will be back soon with more stitchy goodness to share. Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. I can't decide if I want to make a real cherry pie more or a french knot pie, that's adorable!

  2. I loved the pie when it was half finished and I love it even more now it's done. It is so cute and whay a lovely idea. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh sure, the one I really want to see is at the end, and not done! This is so exciting!

  4. All wonderful!!! I am thinking I am going to like the mystery one!!

  5. holy cow, that pie is soooooooooooooooooo awesome! how many strands of floss did you use cuz it looks absolutely gorgeous!

  6. The pie! The pie! It's beautiful!!! I loathe making French Knots, so I am super impressed.

    Your Mystery WIP looks like it will also knock my socks off. Hurry up and finish so we can see the whole thing :)

  7. the mystery stitching looks soooooo cool....esp those little rose buds. i can't wait to see this finished!


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