Monday, August 10, 2009

Please Don't Eat the Paste

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

I finished what I started last night:

on top of the fabric...

Well, mostly finished what I started. I still have to sew this into a pillow. Hopefully I won't get lazy sidetracked and put it off too long.

This was a quick, fun stitch. Very fun. The only problem I encountered was with my stupid needle. Oh, how I hate stitching with new needles. The one I used last night was slippery and didn't want to cooperate. It made my thumb hurt! Stupid needle. I finally wised up when I was 99.9% done with the stitching and ditched my stupid embroidery needle for a well-worn cross stitch needle.


Here are some more pics!

cutest bottle of paste i ever did see!

he looks worried...


don't know why...

I've never used such a bold color for embroidery before! I think it works. I find myself looking at new colors, patterns, and types of material lately and wondering how embroidery will adapt to them. I am, for the most part, a gal who uses plain muslin for everything. It's fun to break outta that mold every once in a while. ;)

(Don't forget, if you want this pattern, go here and follow the instructions for how to obtain it.)

Well, that's it for now, my lovelies! I have some cool stuff that I will be working on soon, so stayed tuned for more stitchy goodness. I will have some cool pics to share with you. Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. Ooh! Cute work! I like the colors.

  2. I could never figure out why kids ate paste?? Very cute design :)

  3. Oh, I meant to ask- how do you get the fabric so tight in the hoop? Mine's always sorta loose.

  4. Thanks for the kind words, everyone. :)

    Jigsaw--I was actually asked that exact question on Flickr. Here's an excerpt of my can read the whole 'conversation' here.

    "After I put the fabric in the hoop, but before I tighten the screw-thingie at the top all the way, I pull the fabric taut. Then I tighten the screw-thingie again a bit, pull some more, tighten, pull...until the fabric is taut and I can't turn the screw-thingie any tighter."

    Hope that helps! :)

  5. Yeah, thanks! I'm always afraid I'll break the hoop if it's wooden, but I suppose the plastic ones wouldn't break.


Come say hello! I'd love to hear from you.

When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!