Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunday Night Start

Hey there, Stitchy Peeps!

The last thing I need to do is start something new...I have plenty of wips right now, not to mention a few gifts & swap items that I need to be working on.

But when I saw this cute freebie from Wild Olive, I knew I needed to get started on it right away!

my latest wip

don't eat me

What's especially neat about this project is the fabric I'm using, both the solid and the print, came from my grandma's house.

I can't wait to sit down this evening and put some stitches in this! I foresee great cuteness in my future... :)

That's all for now. I'll be back soon! Until then...

Happy Stitching!


  1. My but you've wasted no time! And oh, but I love that color you're stitching on!

  2. hahah this is going to be so cute!!! I love your weenie dog onesies as well!!! FUN FUN!!!

  3. Ooh I'm so curious what you used to transfer here, just an ordinary pencil? That's what I do most of the time because I'm a bad bunny!

  4. Thanks everyone!

    Nicole--Yup, this is traced with a pencil. I often do when I need a really fine line. :)


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When I get asked a question here in the comment section, I often answer it right be sure to check back if you've asked a question. --Kristi :)

PS Due to spammers, I've enabled comment moderation. Yuck!