Friday, August 26, 2011

Pink Ice Cream

One of my nieces is turning two soon, and the theme of her birthday party is Ice Cream Parlor. I deemed it necessary to make something special to go along with the theme.

Pattern from Ice Cream Socializers by Wild Olive

I used one of my favorite techniques, crayon tinting, on this project. I really can't express how much I love crayon tinting! It supplies a lot of color with minimal effort--which is great for when I'm running short on time.

After I was done with the embroidery, I pulled out my sewing machine and transformed this ice cream cone into a little stuffie. It's not the best example of sewing, but in my defense, I hadn't sewn anything that wasn't shaped like a square or rectangle since I was in the 8th grade. (We're talking over 20 years, people! That was a long time ago!)

I sure hope my niece likes it! I don't know why she wouldn't,'s pretty darn cute, if I do say so myself. :) And besides, what little girl wouldn't love her own ice cream cone stuffie? :) :)


  1. It's adorable. :) I love Mollie's patterns.

  2. It's lovely your ice cream!

    Beertje Zonn

  3. Wild Olive's patterns are cute on their own but you certainly kick it up several notches!! ADORABLE!!


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