Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Goodbye, Hello

Goodbye summer. Though technically you are still here, and holding on with a vengeance, you are on your way out. And while you were nice, and fun, and lazy, and all the things that summer is supposed to be, I am very happy to see you go. 

Summer Mini Block by Hinzeit

Time to take down the warm weather stitchery. Goodbye, goodbye.

Goodbye, beehive. 

Goodbye, butterfly.

It's time to adorn my home with Fall stitchery. Hello, Autumn.

Autumn Mini Block by Hinzeit

Hello, pumpkin.

Hello, horn of plenty.

Hello, acorn.

Hello, happiness. :)


  1. Wow! Both your stitching are so adorable!! C'mon Autumn!!!

  2. Stunning! I love all the sweet little charms! What beautiful pieces.

  3. I just love everything that you do.

  4. wooow , such a lovely crafty piece of cross stitch . i simply adore your handi work.
    have a happy weekend


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