Monday, October 17, 2011

A Finish and a Progress Pic

Hooray, this project is finally done. (The details about it, like what kind of floss I used, and what the heck that fuzzy stuff on Santa's hat is, can be found in this post from last month.)

I really don't know why it took me ten years to do this. I'm glad it's done now, for it is super cute and will look great with my other Christmas stitchy pieces.

And of course, no post would be complete without a progress pic of my current WIP.

Progress as of 10/17/11
The chances of this being finished before Halloween are growing quite slim, but it's ok. Just working on it has been fulfilling enough. :)


  1. A gorgeous finish and great progress on your ABC Halloween. I am hoping to stitch some L*K Santas next year and seeing your ABC Halloween has made me want to work on mine.

  2. Yay for finished projects! Santa looks great. :)

  3. I'm loving Santa. Will you frame him?

  4. Looks good! Just wondering if you would ever post a picture of the back of a completed project. Mine never look very good. My Grandma always said the back should almost as good as the front.

  5. Thanks everyone! :)

    Leselyanne, I want to see your L*K stuff! Woot!

    SewAmy, I do plan to frame it. I have a few other framed L*K Christmas pieces, too.

    Anonymous, here is a link to a flickr pic of the backside of a project I completed a couple years ago. It still had some tails to be snipped, and it's not the neatest work ever, but it's not too bad. ;) There is also a link in this pic to another pic. My first project wasn't so tidy! Lol. I will try to remember to take more pics of the backs of my stuff.


  6. Super cute!! Love Santa and I love the one in his pajamas that you linked to!

  7. Love these - your Santa has turned out so cute and it's fab to see how the Halloweeny project is coming on ;)

  8. Your Santa came out so cute! I love L.K.patterns.


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