Monday, October 24, 2011

A Little Bit of Progess

I wonder how many more titles I can come up with containing the word "progress" before I run out of ideas and start repeating myself. Hmmm....

Progress as of 10/24/11
This project is still coming along nicely, albeit slowly.

Mr. Bones is pretty cute:

I am almost certain that I will not be done with this by Halloween. And I am fairly certain that I won't be working on this come November 1st. I have a hard time working on holiday/seasonal projects once the holiday/season has passed. I actually have a nice Winter Stitching project planned. This pattern should be arriving in my mailbox any day now. Isn't it adorable? Those little pine cones are too cute for words. :)

In the meantime, though, I will continue to work on my Halloween ABC's piece. After all, I have a whole week before it's time to put it away. And you never know, I just may give in to the urge I've had lately to stitch up something Thanksgiving-related. It's been a while since I've stitched a turkey.


  1. Love this ! I am also working on this but not as far along as you are !

  2. Mr. Bones is pretty cute and so is that turkey. :)

  3. Looks great! Keep it up, you can finish it!

  4. This is so cute!! I made a vow last January that I would buy no more cross stitch patterns until I finish all the ones in my stash, but every time you post a photo of this WIP, my resolve weakens a bit. And the winter pattern you linked to? Ack! Love it!

    I am just like you in setting aside an unfinished project once the season/holiday has passed. I think it's okay, as long as you get back to it eventually!

  5. Great progress. I have had to put mine away already due to gift stitching. I LOVE your new project and look forward to seeing your progress.

  6. 1. I love your blog!!
    2. Mr. Bones is adorable, and the next pattern you have in queue is super cute.
    3. Title Suggestion you didn't ask for: P is for Progress

  7. Thanks for the inspiration to get really motivated with my cross stitch. Your blog got me interested in Lizzie Kate and others that I hadn't given a look at before. I've been following your progress for a while now, thanks again for sharing!


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