Wow!! Thank you so much for your kind comments and framing tips regarding the sampler! I am so flattered. And thank you Rachel for the little blurb on the blog. Wowsa! Can you say increased traffic, lol?!? It's so cool to see my handiwork on such an awesome website. :) :) :)
I probably should have done this in the last post, but here are some more details about the sampler. (This is for you, Mary Grace. :))
It's called 'Nature's Alphabet' and is by Elizabeth's Designs. It was not a kit, but rather a leaflet, which is how I generally prefer my cross stitch projects to be. (I like to pick out my own materials, though every so often a really awesome kit comes along that I must have.) I did the sampler on 32ct Cream Belfast linen, probably purchased at Michael's. It's mostly done with DMC floss, with a little bit of Weeks Dye Works overdyed floss, four skeins to be precise. The beads and charms (or, 'treasures', as they are officially called) are Mill Hill. All in all, everything for this project is pretty widely available. :) And get this, people: There is a companion piece! 'Nature's Alphabet II'. I must do this. But hopefully it won't take me five years to finish...
Ok, now onto something different...
I have been hinting at and showing you sneak peek pics of a special project that I've been working on. Well, the work is done, my friends, and I am ready to reveal the fruits of my labor! Tee hee, YAY!!!

This is a pillow I whipped up for my dear friend Amanda, who will be celebrating her birthday soon. I really hope she likes it. :)
What's that?? You wanna see some more pictures? Ok, sure!

Well, that's it for me, bloggy friends! I want to thank each and every one of you who take the time to visit my humble little blog. It means a lot to me! And keep lookin' out for more stuff from me soon--you know that I am always working on something! Until then...
Happy Stitching!
Kristi you are MAGICAL!!!! I love it!!!!! Thank you so very much, I will now be the proud owner of yet another wonderful Kristi creation! I am a lucky girl:) XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO!!!!!
As I said on flickr, this is so fantastic! I love the how she looks so glamourous, like from the old black and white movies. Well done! I believe I am having sewing machine envy!!! How are you liking your sewing machine from Santa? Can you flickr mail me and give me the scoop on your machine?
I now have sewing machine envy too! My machine officially died this weekend. Now I'm just saving to buy a new one...guess that means I have more time to start embriodering something. I just got in my order from Sublime Stitching this week!
Cool pillow, K! THe funny thing is that, since I know you so well (and have been watching pics of your stitching for 9 months now), I actually had a pretty good guess that the design was something like this. Dang, I'm smart. A genius, a master of intuition.
(Or maybe I'm full of s***. ;o))
Congrats on the mention in the article! Yea yea YEA YOU!!!!! So thrilled for you!!!
Miss you--life has been totally crazy and chaotic since New Year's and I haven't had time to stop and breathe, much less catch up with you! But know that I miss ya and will catch up with you as soon as I get a breather!
Mwa! ;o)
Okay, I feel like a total idiot--I can't find the article on the craft blog! The link just went to the main page, and when I looked through it I didn't see anything about you...and then I searched for your blog name and found the hit there, but the links wouldn't actually point to your mention! Argh!!
Does the article have a permalink?? If it does, can you email it pretty please?? I want to go check it out and vicariously be ever so proud and pleased that I know you in real life! =) (Or even if it doesn't have a permanent link, can you email me and give me some more info on how to find it??)
Stupid technology.... ;o)
Never mind...I really AM a big, fat idiot time. [Insert majorly irritated-at-myself eye roll.] Grrr....
I just went back to your links at the start of your post, and the link to the specific article was right there all the time. I was just clicking the wrong one.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. ;oP And yeah, work's been great for getting my brain remarkably functional again with some things, but the increased competency must only be relegated for work duties during work hours...all bets are off for everything else! ;o)
Tee hee hee...gonna go take my sleep-deprived self off your comments now. ;o) Nighty-nite!
Nice Job Kristi!! You will have to share with me how you did your pillow!! Can't wait to see what is next!
congrats on the craftzine write-up. Great job on the pillow. It kind of reminds me of Bewitched.
Hi! I just now found your blog and I'm loving it...and totally jonesing over that pillow. Absolutely beautiful!
BIG Congratulations on the Craftzine thing!
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