So yeah....I was a bad little stitcher and only got three of the four onesies done in time for the shower.

By the time I put the last stitch in the third onesie at 10:30 pm Friday night, I knew I wouldn't be able to stitch the fourth one. I couldn't keep my eyes open! I miss the days when I could stay up half the night, stitching my heart out....
Oh well. ;)

I suppose I could still stitch up the the fourth one and give it to the baby after she's born, right? You know, when I visit her for the first time. Yeah. I think I'll do that. :)

(Pattern by Sublime Stitching.)
Well, you know how it goes, my darlings...I will be back soon with more stitchy goodness! Until then...
Happy Stitching!
Designers always say to do things in threes anyway, right?! These are just great the way they are, and I'm sure will be much appreciated.
Those are so cute. Do you have a Esty shop? I was trying to show my hubby it but can not seem to find it. Unless I am mistaken. Your onesies are so very cute. I like the puppy ones too.
hallo! I am Katiuscia, an italian girl e I am crazy for your blog! you are the top of stiching!!!!! I will come back again to see your creations, sorry for my bad English, Kati
They're all so pretty. I think gifting the 4th onesie on your first meeting with the baby is a great idea. :)
What a great idea and they look great!! Reminds me of something I saw on Alicia Paulson's blog (rosylittlethings) yesterday. Have you seen her pillowcase free tutorial? I love to embroider, but don't get to it very often. It is great for gifting!!
I was going to say the very same thing that 'greetingarts' said !
I wouldn't worry about it - three would be very much appreciated I'm sure. And you certainly can make another after the baby's born - why not?
I remember when I'd stay up half the night crafting - with friends too! And now I'm upset if hubby wants to watch a movie that starts at 9pm because I don't think I can stay awake until the end!
They are sooo sweet looking! Save out the 4th one for later - after a major spit-up or diaper blow-out. The mother will appreciate a replacement!
Three is a good number :) They turned out adorable.
Thank you so much for your kind comments, everyone! ♥
Ann, I don't have an Etsy shop--yet. I've been seriously considering opening one for some time now. :)
Kati, don't worry about your English, it's very good, sweetie!
Leslie, yes I did see Alicia's pillowcase tutorial, and I've already saved it on my computer. I am a HUGE fan of Alicia's, so to have you say that something of mine reminds you of something of hers is such a compliment! Thank you. :)
My Little Corner, I am the same way about nighttime movies! Anything past nine is questionable, lol.
Hi, my name is Mindy and I'm new to embroidery... would you please explain or show a photo of the inside of the onesies? Did you use any interfacing type stuff? Your work is SO cute and inspiring! Thanks!
Hi Mindy! Thank you!
I'm afraid I don't have a photo of the insides of the onesies. I don't use stabilizer on them, or interfacing either. I use Gerber organic onesies, and they are sturdy enough, in my opinion, for me to skip the stabilizer. :)
Thanks Kristi - good to know about Gerber organic onesies. I'm excited to try embroidering some now... such a great gift idea! :o)
love it!!!
Great idea Kristi!!
Oh, but they came out so delightful. Three is perfect! What a friend to put so much effort into a gift.
Hey, I meant to ask if you used one of those Q snap frames for this, because I don't see a hoop mark. I am doing some of these for a friend for Xmas and her baby's bday and I don't want a hideous frame mark on them.
What is the name of the pattern? I looked on Sublime Stitching and couldn't find it.
Here's a direct link to the patterns:
Julie West patterns by Sublime Stitching
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