It all started with this trivet:

I acquired it on a recent trip to Old Town San Diego. It was love at first sight.

What's not to love??
Anywho, this beautiful trivet stirred up an urge in urge to stitch this:

I did this last night in just a couple of hours, and I loved every minute of it! This was such a blast to stitch, and now I can't keep my eyes off it. It's just And colorful.
I got this rad little pattern from the newly released book Embroidered Effects by Sublime Stitching. (I am soooo loving this book, by the way.)

I used several different stitches on this piece. Click on the pic above to take you to Flickr, where you can get the lowdown on all those stitches.

With the exception of the french knots around the eyes, the white parts are done with glow-in-the-dark-floss. (It's rather slippery stuff, and I didn't have the patience to use it for the french knots. It would've looked so cool, though.) I tried to get a pic of it 'glowing,' but it just wasn't happening...every picture I snapped was too dim. It glows nicely in real life, though. You'll just have to take my word. :)
Well, that's all for now, my lovelies! I've got more stitchy goodness in the works (when don't I, lol?), so I shall be returning soon. Until then...
Happy Stitching!
I can see why you are loving this piece! Everything about it is awe-some!
(it's hard to convey in type, but "awe-some" is something I this high's really me)
Keep on inspiring with your awe-some stitching!
You know I don't know diddly squat about stitching, but this sure looks cool--ESPECIALLY the closeup shots of the design. Love how it looks like a skull or doesn't depending on how you glance at it, squint, cock your head, etc. ;o)
Miss ya! =) (And for record, Anna is STILL asking when we'll be seeing N. next. ;o))
I used to love going to Old Town when I lived there.
This is a really cool piece. It would be interesting to see it "glow-in-the-dark".
Keep up the incredible work!
Delurking because I have to tell you how awesome this is! I love the colors you've picked and your stitches are perfect!
I'd love to know what kind of camera you use. Your photos are terrific. Jessica (
Oh how gorgeous! Great colours, great stitching, great pictures and great pattern!!!! I just got that book - isn't it FAB?!
Cool is right! Beautiful stitching and beautiful colors!
Kristi, this is hands down GORGEOUS!!!!! You do something to patterns and floss that is magical. And then you have the nerve to take these awesome pictures!!! Is there anything you can't do??? That's it, I am electing you Supreme Being of planet Get Your Stitch On :)
Wow, everybody! Thanks for your kind comments! ♥
Funky Finds--I use a Canon PowerShot A400. It's just a little point & shoot, but when I use the macro setting, I get pretty nice results. :)
Panda, you sweet lady! You're pretty magical yourself, you know. We can be co-Supreme Beings, ok? ;)
Wow, I just love everything about this, the design, the colors, everything! You do some awesome stitchin'!
I always wondered about the glow in the dark floss...good to know that it's slippery!
I am always checking your blog because I can't wait to see what you've done next. Do you have info on the colored technique used in your rock and patriotic popsicle pieces?
Hey Kristi! I just found your blog through Sublime Stitching, and I'm loving all your stitched up goodies. :) I just went to add your blog to my Google Reader, and it appears that you have photos turned off in your RSS feed? I'm not familiar with Blogger and how RSS feeds work so much, but I sure wish I could see your pics in my reader!
Can't wait to see more. :)
That is beautiful! I have a Dia de los Muertos skull I was thinking of embroidering as well. Glow in the dark floss!!!! That is so rad, I gotta get some of that. I love all things glowy. And I NEED that book! I saw it the other day at a local shop and decided that I must have it.
Your trivet reminds me of Concrete Blonde's Mexican Moon album cover... great album, great cover.
Thanks for the love, peeps!
Angie--Here is the tutorial I use for crayon tinting:
Katrina--Uh oh, I have no idea how to rectify the picture-less reader situation! Thanks for bringing it to my attention, I will try to fix it. I am not so handy on the computer, lol...does anyone have any advice for me?? How do I get my pics to show up in people's readers?
Gorgeous! I just started stitching up some calaveras skulls the other day that I got from Sublime Stitching a couple of years ago, that I have been meaning to do for Halloween ever since. This year, I'm actually doing it, but...oh yeah! Gotta try some of that glow in the dark floss!
Your's look great!
Genius! You are such an inspiration.
I'm back with another comment. A couple things here. First, what type of fabric is the skull stitched on?
Next, as if I'm not already keeping you busy enough, I was tagged, and I'm tagging you, if you feel like it.
Speaking of glow in the dark floss, have you by chance used the stuff Sublime Stitching sells? I haven't, just wondering if you had and if it was slippery as well!
Wow AGAIN everyone! You all rock! Thanks for the sweetness!
Mollie--Woohoo! I've been tagged! I can't wait to play along. As for the fabric, I wish I knew specifically what it is, but....I bought it forever and a day ago. I think it's just muslin or something cheap-o from Wal*Mart. I will send you a sample of it if you'd like, so you can check it out firsthand. :)
Jonesy--I haven't used it, at least not yet. I bought some recently, and it's sitting on my dresser, under a lamp. I like to turn the lamp on for about an hour or so before I go to bed to "charge up" the floss, then I turn out the lights and watch it glow! LOL!
I will let you know what it's like after I've used it. :-D
Congratulations your catrin and catrina are very nice. Also I like to elaborate them by the cardboard box industry technique (cartonerĂa mexicana.
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